Loveville, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Loveville city is diversified. Almost half of the households speak English, which is the most commonly spoken home language. Another ten percent speak Yiddish or German. The city also has an ethnically diverse population. The percentage of government workers is higher than the national average, with 7.6%. In contrast, the median age is younger, and the average household size is larger than three people.

The list below contains the center of cities within 35 miles of Loveville Acres. You can use this list to find flights and plan a road trip. These are just a few of the many reasons to visit Loveville Acres. You can also use the information in the table below to find the population and steets of other cities nearby. A list of towns can give you an idea of the general character of other places and their attractions.

LOVEVILLE, Maryland, has a ZIP Code of 20656. This is commonly referred to as the default name of a city. USPS prefers the name "D," and the city is generally referred to by its default name. It is a part of Saint Marys County. The area code 20656 is a 5-digit extension of the city's ZIP code, while the last four digits designate a street segment.