Port Republic, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for statistics on Port Republic City, you've come to the right place. These statistics can help you make informed decisions when it comes to your children's education and future job prospects. Port Republic City is home to a total population of 3,170 people. There are 573 males and 458 females under the age of 20 living in the city. There are a total of 36 races represented in the city, with a majority of residents being white.

The population and steets in Port Republic City have decreased over the years. Today, there are 27,576 housing units in Port Republic. Of these, 25,447 units are occupied and 2,129 are vacant. The majority of these are single-family detached homes, which are also known as row houses and townhouses. Another 1,161 are apartment housing units, which range from two to fifty units.

As of 2019, 87.1% of Port Republic, NJ residents drove alone to work. 7.5% of residents carpooled to work and 5.3% of individuals worked from home. The chart below shows how many households use each type of transportation. This chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis, to highlight differences in smaller means of commuting. This chart also shows the distribution of households in Port Republic, NJ by car ownership. Approximately 75% of residents live in a house that has at least two cars.

The population of Port Republic is estimated to be 1,040 by the year 2020. However, that number is projected to drop by 0.82% from the 2010 census. The median house value in Port Republic is $267,100. The median age of residents in Port Republic is 47.5 years old. Males in Port Republic are 47 years old, while females are 46.9 years old. Despite the small population, Port Republic has a very low crime rate.