Ridge, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Ridge, New York? Here is a list of some important statistics. Population is based on Census data. The statistics below are for the city of Ridge and surrounding area. They may not be the complete picture. These statistics are based on only available data and do not represent the entire city of Ridge. For example, census information for the Bay Ridge neighborhood may not accurately reflect the population of all neighborhoods in Ridge City.

The 2010 census reported that the population was 9,546 people. Of these, 2,798 households and 2,200 families lived in the city. The 2010 census showed that the median age of the population was thirty years old. There were 92 men per 100 women. A single adult lived in 5.9% of households. In general, the population of Ridge City was well-balanced. However, there were a few neighborhoods that had smaller population sizes than the city.

The median household income in Ridge City is $96,000, which is high compared to other ZIP codes and the rest of the country. That's an affluent demographic and a nicer part of town. This list of statistics is based on the American Community Survey (ACS), conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Please note that while this information is considered accurate, it is not guaranteed to be.