Shady Side, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the population and steets of Shady Side City, MD? Did you know that the median household income in Shady Side is $108,333? Find out more about the city's economy, including how many people live below the poverty line and which neighborhoods are considered high-income. Also, find out the median age of residents in Shady Side. Here's a breakdown of Shady Side's residents by race and income.

According to the Chicago Police Department, crime rates in Shady Side City are higher than average in certain neighborhoods. Hopeful Heights and City Central are two areas where crime is a problem. These neighborhoods have an overall crime rate of seven out of a hundred, with 62 violent crimes and 1,480 property crimes reported annually. Residents have a one in three-and-a-half-percent chance of being a victim of a property crime.

Although New York City has a relatively diverse population, residents tend to live in neighborhoods that are predominantly White. The number of White residents is higher in parts of southern Brooklyn and Downtown Brooklyn than in the rest of the city. The population is primarily composed of Hispanic residents, but there are also some Asian and African-American communities. If you live in one of these neighborhoods, make sure to check out the demographics of those neighborhoods.