Sparrows Point, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sparrows Point, MD, is located in Baltimore County, Maryland. You can find out more about this city and the surrounding areas by reading the following information. You can also get to know the nearby cities by using the search box on this page. There are plenty of options available, including major cities within a few hours of Sparrows Point, MD.

In order to make an informed decision on whether Sparrows Point is the best area for you to live in, you should consider the characteristics of the neighborhood. Some of the houses may look the same and be hard to distinguish from each other, but the homeowners' association may be friendly. In addition, you should take into account the parking situation. Are garages full? Does the neighborhood maintain itself well? This will help you decide if your future neighbors are pleasant or unfriendly.

Sparrows Point's residents come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. The largest percentages are white and black. The rest of the population includes individuals with Italian, Irish, and German ancestry. English is the primary language of communication for most residents, but Polish and German are also common languages.

The ZIP Code for Sparrows Point is 21219. If you want to learn more about the city, check out the links below. These websites offer local information, school details, and museums in the area.