Tall Timbers, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Tall Timbers City, Maryland, the population is composed of a mixture of races and sexes. One-third of the city's residents are single. A fifth of the population is married. About eight percent of the civilian population is composed of military veterans. The area's diversity is represented by several different languages. One-third of its residents are single, while the remainder are either married or have children.

The population of Tall Timbers MD is overwhelmingly Asian, while the lowest percentage of residents are black or Native American. According to the Census Bureau, poverty levels vary by family size and racial origin. Families earning less than the poverty level are considered to be impoverished. In Tall Timbers, Maryland, a majority of residents work in education instruction and library-related occupations. The state has a lower poverty rate than the national average of 14.1%.

According to the US Census Bureau, the population of Tall Timbers, MD was 602 in 2010. Eighty-five percent of the residents are White, and only five percent are Black or African American. There are also 42 Asian residents in the city, and only 0.1% of residents are hispanic. These data are useful for determining the racial makeup of a city. You can use these statistics to make informed decisions about your relocation.