Taneytown, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in getting to know the population and the steets of Taneytown City, MD, you should read this article. The data provided will be extremely useful in planning your trip. You can even use this information to find out what towns are within a hundred miles of Taneytown. You'll be surprised at how accessible it is to learn more about the town you're planning to visit.

The percentage of people living below the poverty line is called the "poverty rate." The lower the number of people living below the poverty line, the more prosperous the society is. The Taneytown city poverty rate is 11.2%. It is higher than the state of Maryland's average of 30.8%, but is lower than neighboring cities like Mount Airy and New Market. The rent burden is also higher in Taneytown than it is in many other Maryland cities, with a percentage of 35.4% higher than the state average. The median income in Taneytown is $1,052 per month.

The population and steets in Taneytown City are the most important data about the city. This will help you determine the economic conditions of your community. While the median income in Taneytown remains unchanged, the poverty rate has risen to 11.3 percent. Therefore, Taneytown has an economically viable community. If you're interested in relocating to Taneytown, be sure to read this article.