Taylors Island, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Demographics of Taylors Island are presented below. This information is categorized by the residential address of a person and is based on census data. The median annual household income in Taylors Island, MD is $80,089, which is higher than the national average of $65,712 for all people. As of 2018, the most common occupations in Taylors Island are Other Services, Except Public Administration, Other Services, Other and Information.

The percentage of US citizens in Taylors Island, MD is 100%, which is slightly higher than the national average of 93.4%. The percentage of US citizens in Taylors Island, MD is consistently above the national average, and it is higher than the Maryland average of 93.4%. According to the Census Bureau, the number of US citizens living in Taylors Island, MD is 100 percent, and the percentiles are listed below this value.

The median property value in Taylors Island, MD is $457,600, which is nearly $900 higher than the national average. Homeownership is 100%, and the median property value is $457,600. The median age for residents of Taylors Island, MD is 52 years old, and most live in single-family homes. Most residents drive alone, and the average commute time is 18.2 minutes. The average number of cars per household is three, and 4.07% of the population is foreign-born.