Upper Falls, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most important thing to know about the population and steets of Upper Falls City is the race of its residents. In the 2016 United States Census, there were 16,744 households. The majority of these households were white. Approximately half of the households in Upper Falls were white, and the rest were black. Here's a closer look at the racial makeup of the city.

The population of Upper Falls is 316. The median age of residents is 52. The median household income is $92,188. One-quarter of the residents in the city are high school graduates, while eight percent have a bachelor's degree. Upper Falls is home to a high school graduation rate of 80%. The median home value in Upper Falls is $345,192. For more information on Upper Falls's demographics, please visit the Maryland Census Bureau's website.

The median household income in Falls City, TX is $80,484, which is higher than the $65,712 national average. The median household income in Falls City, TX is also higher than the state's average of $65,712. The highest paying industries in Falls City, TX are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Finance & Insurance. And, as the number of people who live in Falls City is increasing, so is the median income.

The crime rate in Upper Falls City depends on the area. The crime rate in the southeast part of the city is higher than that in the northeast. People who live in the southeast part of Upper Falls tend to be fewer in number, which may make the crime rate appear to be higher than it really is. This is due to the presence of retail establishments in blocks with few residents. Moreover, most crimes occur in retail areas.