West Friendship, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the demographics of West Friendship, PA, you've come to the right place. This page provides a summary of West Friendship's population and steets. You can see the racial makeup of the area by viewing the map below. The map shows the self-identified racial makeup of the city. The darker colors indicate larger racial majorities. Lastly, you can see West Friendship's diversity score. Green areas are generally more diverse than red areas, and red areas are less diverse than green. A diverse area means that a variety of races live together.

The population density of West Friendship City, Maryland is higher than average. There are 17,075 people living in District 3. The median age of residents is the highest for men in District 3. The median age of women is the fourth lowest in the area. This city is home to many families. However, residents who are looking for a home should be aware of its size. A typical West Friendship house is more than 1,000 square feet and has three bedrooms.