Whiteford, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The data below shows the population of Whiteford City, Michigan. The percentages of people of various races are shown in different colors. The darker the color, the more racial diversity the area has. The data also includes information about the diversity scores of Whiteford. For example, the percentage of people who are Hispanic is lower than the state average, as is the percentage of foreign-born residents.

County Waterford is located on the southeastern coast of Ireland. It is a part of the Munster region, and has a land area of 710 square miles (1838 km2). The county gets its name from the city of Waterford, which is in turn named for the region. The city's name comes from the Old Norse name, Vadrarfjord, meaning "Windy Fiord". It is also known as Decie, which is derived from the Deise, a major tribe that migrated from Meath to the South.

Waterford has a large, vibrant commercial center that is centered around John Roberts Square. Named for the celebrated architect who designed the town's streets, John Roberts Square is located just outside the city's walls. The square was originally a large open market square. The Bull Post still stands as a symbol of the hill's past. This area has a history of Irish and English settlement.