Ayer, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering what the Population & Steets in Ay City are, then you've come to the right place. These statistics show how many people live in the city. You can also look up the average household income in Ayer, MA. The median household income is $54,899, while the average household income is $17,497. The most common employment sectors in Ayer, MA are Manufacturing, Education Instruction & Library, and Retail Trade.

The population of Ayer was spread across a large area. Only 0.1% of residents were younger than eighteen years old, while 22.5% were aged between eighteen and twenty-four. Twenty-four percent were between the ages of 25 and 44, while another 17.6% were aged 45-64. Forty-one percent of residents in Ayer were aged 65 or older. In general, the gender composition of the city was 41.2% male and 58.8% female.

The County Buildings in Ayer City are modeled on the Temple of Isis in Rome. They include the county hall, court and record rooms, and Wallace Tower. This landmark stands at the corner of Mill Vennel and High Street. Ayr was home to William Wallace, and today, the Wallace Tower is 113 feet tall. In addition to the Wallace Tower, there are several other landmarks in the city.