Cataumet, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Cataumet, Massachusetts, has an estimated population of 839 people. Of that number, 159 are under the age of twenty-one. Of those, 72 are men and 87 are women. Each year, Cataumet witnesses 1,996 births and 2,769 deaths. The city's race breakdown varies from year to year. If you want to find out more about Cataumet, Massachusetts, please continue reading!

The census reports that population data come from various sources. QuickFacts data are derived from United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, and Small Area Health Insurance Estimates. Other sources are County Business Patterns, Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners, and Building Permits. This information is used to show how diverse Cataumet is.

The median home price in Cataumet is $731,411, which is slightly higher than the Massachusetts average of $564391. However, the quality of the neighborhood varies moderately. The population of the city is comprised of a mix of older and newer homes. Cataumet has a moderately low crime rate and is well-developed. A variety of housing types are available in the town, from cozy cottages to upscale apartments.

Listed below are a few notable historical places in Cataumet. A historic schoolhouse was built in 1894. It is estimated that Myrta Gladwyn, the last teacher, started teaching at Cataumet Schoolhouse in 1913. It cost less than two thousand dollars to build the building, but the restoration process took several years. The schoolhouse was reconstructed in the early 2000s.