Dracut, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article provides information on the Population & Steets in Drecut City. By doing so, you will be able to gain a better understanding of this city's demographics and what factors influence the demographics of different neighborhoods. You will also be able to determine if the population of Dracut is growing or shrinking. You can also learn about the demographics of certain neighborhoods within Dracut.

The population and steets of Dracut City are based on various demographics and housing trends. For instance, a recent study by the UMass Donahue Institute estimated that the city's population will grow by 8.9% between 2010 and 2040. This growth will affect the population of specific age groups differently, with the sixty-seven-year-old age group expected to increase by 113.9%, while the twenty-four-year-olds will shrink by 18.1%. The aging population will also affect the types of housing that are built in Dracut.

The average income for Dracut residents is approximately $8,730. This equates to a higher than average median household income for Dracut. Although this number may seem low, it does not represent a poorer population than other cities. The median household income in Dracut is expected to rise about 10% yearly and will be just under the rate of the region as a whole.

The population of the city is diverse. In 2010, the city was home to 11,318 year-round housing units. In order to reach its goal of 10% subsidized housing, Dracut would need to add five hundred and seventy subsidized units to its existing stock. By the end of 2019, the city will need to build 109.4 subsidized housing units per year to reach the 10% target.