East Dennis, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in East-Dennis City? These are just a few questions you might have when planning a trip to this Massachusetts city. These numbers are helpful when you're exploring the area and want to know what the residents are like. You can also use this data to determine the top cities within a hundred miles of East Dennis, MA. These cities are known for their great food and thriving arts and culture scenes.

According to the U.S. Census, 98.3% of East Dennis residents identify as white, while 12.3% identify as black. Another 5.4% identify as Hispanic, and 17.8% identify as other races. The city has a high homeownership rate - 81.4% of residents own their homes. Most people commute to work alone in East Dennis, with the average travel time of 21.5 minutes.

The Census Bureau estimates that approximately 2,356 people live in East Dennis, MA. The majority of the residents are White, with 84 American Indian and Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents and 68 Hispanics. The Census Bureau also uses certain income thresholds, which vary based on the size and composition of a family. Families with an income lower than these levels are considered impoverished.

The Census Bureau collects statistics about every city in the U.S. The Census Bureau uses these statistics to distribute money to local and state governments. The next Federal Census is scheduled for 2020. If you're planning to move to East Dennis City, this information may be beneficial for you. It is also important for your business or job search. This information may be used for future planning or to travel through a city.