Leominster, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Leominster City, Massachusetts, there are two main housing authorities: Fitchburg Housing Authority and Rural Housing, Inc. In Leominster, the most common families have an income of $35,000 or less, while the second highest income group consists of Hispanics. About 19% of Leominster residents have bachelor's degrees or higher. The percentage of families that live below the poverty line varies, but the majority of people in Leominster are White.

The median age of Leominster, MA residents is 40.5 years old. The proportion of native-born residents is 38.9%, while foreign-born residents are 47. The average age of all Leominster, MA residents is getting older, as indicated by the median age. In 2018, the most common birthplace of foreign-born residents in Leominster, MA was China, with the Dominican Republic and Brazil occupying the second and third spots.

The Spanish American Center is a local organization that continues to be active in the community. Under the leadership of Neddy Latimer, the center offers COVID-19 vaccine clinics and home tests. The center is also a member of the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, which provides affordable housing to low-income individuals. The nonprofit Spanish American Center has a history of community involvement, and has continued that involvement under Latimer.

Fitchburg and Leominster are part of a larger Consortium of cities and towns. The agreement calls for a local housing development agency to make recommendations to improve quality of life in the cities and towns. The Community Development Block Grant, a federal program, will provide $1.6 million in local housing. As a result of the HOME Consortium's funding, these two cities have partnered to develop a comprehensive plan for the future of housing in their respective areas.