Natick, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article discusses the Population & Steets in Natich City. The information in the tables below is not necessarily comprehensive. You may also find it useful to look up the current population of your city, which you can do by visiting the website of the Boston Regional Planning Organization. Listed below are a few key facts about Natick. They can be a useful resource in making important decisions about the future of your community.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the town had a population of 13,080. Thirty-three percent of households had children under the age of eighteen years. Another 8.2% of households were headed by a female who was not married. The rest of the households were made up of married couples. Similarly, there were fourteen percent of households that were non-families, and twenty-eight percent of households were headed by individuals. This is known as "double-up" housing, and may be a result of lack of affordable units or simply convenience.

The population of Natick City is aging, much like the region. Twenty-seven percent of households contain a person over the age of 65. This demographic may represent a couple raising their grandchildren. Another 12 percent of households include seniors who live alone. Interestingly enough, most of these are women. These numbers may reflect the fact that many people in the town are retired. It is therefore a good idea to check whether the demographic you're looking for is actually older.