New Town, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

New Town is the largest city in the Fort Berthold Reservation, the administrative center for the entire reservation. It is located on State Highway 23 near the Four Bears Bridge and is home to the Fort Berthold Community College. Residents can enjoy hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities year-round in this charming city.

New Town, ND is home to around two thousand residents. The median age of the population is 28.4 years, and the median household income is $50,870. The median household income is higher than the national average, with the male population earning 1.36 times as much as the female population.

The city's population was fairly evenly spread out. Of those living in the city, thirty percent were under the age of 18, 12.6% were 18 to 24, twenty-four percent were 25 to 44, and twenty-one percent were 65 or older. There was a fifty-eight-to-one gender ratio of males to females.

The most common race/ethnicity in New Town, ND was American Indian or Alaska Native, with sixteen degrees being earned by members of the ethnic group. The next closest group was Two or More Races. While American Indian or Alaska Native residents comprise a significant percentage of New Town's population, the percentage of foreign-born residents in the city was significantly lower than their native-born counterparts.

The chart below displays the percent of New Town, ND residents with health insurance. This data includes those with employee plans, Medicaid, and Medicare. However, the data does not include the number of people enrolled in military or VA health care plans.