North Dartmouth, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here are the population and steets of North Dartmouth City. These numbers can help you determine if the city has a diverse population. Green areas have more people of varying races living near each other, while red areas have fewer people of different races. An all-white area would be considered a lack of diversity. In addition, there are a few neighborhoods in the city that have a high number of homeless people.

If you want to compare the population of your city with other nearby communities, you may want to look at the cities and towns in the vicinity. The population of North Dartmouth is slightly higher than that of the state of Massachusetts, but is still smaller than many of its neighbors. The population is made up of families with a median age of 32 years, which makes it a better place for families than many other areas.

The population is made up of many different groups. The largest is the population of people younger than 20, and the smallest is the population between sixty and 69 years old. Both groups have different characteristics, so these statistics can be useful when identifying where to build and sell your business. This information will help you make a more informed decision about where to invest. You may also want to consider the area's demographics if you plan on doing any future development.

The violent crime rate in North Dartmouth is below average compared to other cities in the state and region. The crime rate in North Dartmouth City is one of the lowest in Massachusetts compared to nearby cities. It is also much safer than the national and state averages for violent crime. This is particularly true in the west part of the city. If you're looking for a home security company in North Dartmouth, consider checking out Vivint. They offer free quotes for their services.