North Dighton, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in Northdighton City? Find out where to live, work, and play in this town. You'll also find helpful information about the surrounding towns. This list is helpful for planning your trip, exploring the local area, and getting a feel for the community. If you live in or near Northdighton City, MA, you may want to check out these other nearby towns.

The population of Dighton City is about the same as the state average, but smaller. Compared to the state's average, Dighton's population is 52% single. There are also fewer married people in Dighton, making it a safer place to live. However, the city's average household size is 3.2 people, and there are only a few families per square mile.

The crime rate in North Dighton is 8.29 per 1,000 residents. The northwest part of the city is considered safest, while the northeast is a riskier place to live. The northeastern part of the city is home to a few dangerous neighborhoods, compared to the northwest. Using this map, you'll discover that North Dighton's crime rate is significantly lower than the state average.

The diversity of the population in North Dighton City can be seen on the diversity map. The city has the highest percentage of people from Europe, while the lowest percent is from Asia. Interestingly, the Dighton area is home to the second highest percentage of foreign-born residents in the state. Its diversity map includes other data on the race of the population in North Dighton. These are just a few of the statistics about this town.