North Truro, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to North Truro City, you may want to learn more about the population and steets of the area. You might be wondering if the area is safe and if the population is diverse. To help you make the best decision, read this brief overview of North Truro's demographics. You may even find some interesting statistics about the area!

In addition to a population and steets chart, you may also want to look into local churches. There are four churches in the city, one of which is St. John's Episcopal Church. The church was dedicated to St. John the Evangelist in 1805. The church was built in the Classical style by P. Sambell and is located in North Truro.

Those who live in North Truro City are predominantly white. Only 6% of residents were black or Hispanic. The rest were elderly and middle aged. There were a lot of single adults in the community. The median age was 46 years old. The median household size was two, with approximately eight and a half adults per 100 people. The percentage of vacancies was very high as well.

The city has an oceanic climate, and its residents enjoy less extreme temperatures than their counterparts in Cornwall. It has a mild climate with cool summers and mild winters and occasional frosts. The average salary is higher in North Truro than in many other cities. So, the area's residents are well-served by the local economy. The city is growing, and its population is expected to increase even further.