Readville, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population and steets data for Readville City? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, you'll discover a few interesting facts about Readville City. Read more to discover why this area of Massachusetts is a popular choice for relocation. And don't forget to check out Readville's demographics, too. In the following paragraphs, we'll give you some useful data on the area's population and steets.

The town is located in Hyde Park, Massachusetts and is part of the Boston Police Department's District E-18. There is a fire station on the Neponset Valley Parkway, and it has several light industries. Readville's population is 2,234, making it a relatively moderately-sized community. The population is 7% lower than the national average, and the area's cost of living is 8% higher than the national average.

The Readville Manor neighborhood is known for its diverse ethnicity and language mix. The locals are mostly Italian, Polish, German, and French. In terms of ethnicity, Readville Manor has many Italian and Polish restaurants, and is home to a popular community. Nearby, you can also find several notable houses, such as Gothic Revival and Italianate styles. It's a diverse neighborhood with something for everyone.

The Study Area - Yard 2 contains the areas of four Census tracts and seven Census block groups. Six of these block groups have EJ populations, and all of them are above the LEP threshold. There's no EJ low-income criterion for residents of the Readville - Yard 2 study area. This study area includes about 2% of the town's population, and is part of the Yard 2 layover facility.