Roslindale, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and steets of Roslindale City? This article will discuss the history and population statistics of the neighborhood. Listed below are the neighborhoods in Roslindale and other surrounding cities in Massachusetts. They also include the entities that contain Roslindale, but do not substantially overlap with it. In Roslindale City, 60% of the housing stock consists of single-family dwellings, with most having large backyards. Unlike many urban neighborhoods, Roslindale has relatively few automobiles, with about 35% of households not owning a vehicle.

The population of Roslindale has fluctuated over the years, with growth in the 1950s, declines in the 1970s, and a steady increase in the 1990s. The 2000 census reported a 5% increase in population over the 1980s and a 4% increase from 1990 to 2000. In addition, the age distribution of the town and the surrounding suburbs is nearly identical to that of Boston, with a 9% percentage of the population in the 18-24 age group and a 23% share of the population under 18 years old.

Before World War I, most Syrian immigrants clustered in the South Cove section of Roslindale City, which later became known as Little Syria, Syriantown, and Chinatown. After the war, these newcomers spread southward, taking over older Yankee residents. Some settled on Tyler Street and Harrison Avenue. There were three churches in the area, one Roman Catholic, and two Maronite.