Sandisfield, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Sandisfield City, MA is 5.5% larger than that of Massachusetts? You can learn more about the city by looking up its population and steets. You can use the data to plan your next vacation or research employment. In addition, you can see how many people are over sixty years old in this city. By using this information, you can identify potential areas for a new retirement community.

Many residents and pro-business types in the town are in favor of this project. The town is struggling with scarce economic development and rapidly rising taxes. The School District, which is in charge of local education, is increasing spending far beyond the town government. And, if you're considering a new business location, you'll want to know that the town's tax base isn't very large.

As you can see, the city is a diverse one. The proportion of people born in another country is low in Sandisfield. The city has the highest number of Native Americans and the second-smallest amount of foreign-born residents. It's also home to many people of mixed ethnic backgrounds, which makes it a diverse community. The population is also disproportionately white. By race and gender, Sandisfield is home to the largest number of African-Americans.

The town of Sandisfield is located in the southeastern Berkshire Mountains. It is bordered by the Buck and Clam rivers. Many small ponds and marshy brooks meander through the town. Additionally, the town borders the Otis State Forest, which crosses the northern boundary of the town. The population of Sandisfield City is approximately nine hundred. This small town borders the largest area of Berkshire County.