Sherborn, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a Sherborn city map, the following list of streets is for you. This list is a compilation of information provided by various sources, such as Google Maps, Google Photos, and Photius Coutsoukis, of Information Technology Associates. You can use these data to determine the population of any city. Alternatively, you can use our map to determine the number of people living in Sherborn.

The population of Sherborn City is made up of 69.4% non-Hispanic whites, 11.6% black or African-Americans, 0.4% American Indian and Alaska Native, and 6.1% Asians. Another 8.4% of residents were classified as "Some Other Race" or "Two or More Races." Twenty-nine percent of residents were Hispanics, including 12.7% Puerto Ricans. This figure has dropped significantly from 1970.

During the early 19th century, the city's economy moved into manufacturing. The town was soon home to clothing, shoe, and other manufacturing facilities. In addition to the textile industry, Sherborn also boasted other large manufacturers, including the Royal Sherborn Corset Company, which was the largest employer of women in 1908.

A strong advocate of smart growth, MAPC is committed to concentrating growth in walkable, compact centers. This policy supports the conservation of open space, agricultural, and conservation resources. The Town Center and new housing development near the Town Center will help to foster local economic viability. It will also boost the vitality of the Town Center. And it will help preserve the vitality of the Town Center. While it may not be feasible to build everything, this policy is in the interest of the community.