South Yarmouth, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population and steets of South Yarmouth City, MA, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find the most important statistics. For instance, the city's population is 91% white, while 3% of the residents are African-American. Moreover, 2.2% of the population is hispanic. This percentage may change in the future, but for now, it's enough to know about the city.

If you're looking for demographics of the population, you'll find that there are 92.5% white residents and just over one percent of black people and Hispanics. Moreover, a high percentage of the people in South Yarmouth own their homes, which can be a good indicator of your target audience. In terms of income, South Yarmouth's median household income is $44,896, while the average household income is $54,504. The average high school graduation rate is 81%, which is a good indicator for your target market.

Although there are many statistics about the median age of residents, one fact remains consistent. More than one-third of the residents of South Yarmouth are unmarried. For the rest of us, the average age is 50. The highest-paying industries in South Yarmouth are Utilities, Finance & Insurance, and Health Care & Social Assistance. However, these industries may not be as profitable as you might think.