Sturbridge, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about Sturbridge, MA, you have come to the right place. Here you will find the population & steets of Sturbridge City. Listed below are the key facts you need to know. Whether you're planning on buying a house or renting an apartment, it's important to know how many people live in the city. The median age in Sturbridge City is 45 years old. Men live there for the majority of their lives, while women live there for less.

While males are more likely than females to be in poverty in Sturbridge, MA, the percentage is significantly lower. While males make approximately $120,000 more than females, only 1.74% of the population lives in poverty in Sturbridge. The poverty rate for non-workers in Sturbridge City was 0.73%, while it was 2.13% for full-time workers. Amongst the ages of workers in Sturbridge, MA, the highest percentage were married men and women in their fifties. Those in the non-citizen category include those who were legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.

The population of Sturbridge, MA is comprised of 2.05k White residents, 92 Asian non-Hispanics, and 41 Black people. The city also has a 1.78% Hispanic population. Among non-Hispanics, Sturbridge has a median home value of $273,700. Residents in Sturbridge, MA also own a car, and the median number is two per household.