Teaticket, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the population of the Teaticket City, Massachusetts, then you have come to the right place. The following is a quick overview of the population and steeps of the neighborhood. This data is based on a survey of local residents and is for general reference purposes only. There are many other factors that may impact the population in the Teaticket neighborhood. To help you decide whether this area is right for you, consider the average commute time.

The population of Teaticket, MA is 1,657, according to the 2010 Census. 98.7% of residents are U.S. citizens. The median property value is $362,300. There is a 66.7% homeownership rate in the Teaticket area. The median cost of renting a house in Teaticket is $1,470 per month. The median home value in Teaticket, MA is $375,500, and the median age is 56.9 years for both men and women.

There are three main racial and ethnic groups in Teaticket, MA. White people have a higher average income than African Americans, and two-thirds of residents in the neighborhood are single. The highest paying industry in Teaticket is Health Care & Social Assistance, with 88 people employed in that sector. People with Portuguese ancestry make up 3.7% of residents. People with Spanish or Portuguese ancestry make up the smallest proportion of the population.