Vrookline, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population and steets of Vrookline City, VT, you've come to the right place. Here are some of the stats you'll need to know. First, you'll need to know how many people live in Vrookline City. There are currently 681 people living in the town, which is about the same as the city's overall population.

Several years ago, Brookline City was home to nine hundred residents. This city was home to the Meeting House and fifty-five percent of those people lived above it. The streets in the south part of town date back to the early nineteenth century and were as heavily traveled as the roads from Roxbury to Cambridge and Watertown. This was the center of activity. However, the town's population was much smaller in 1820.

The City is home to many universities and schools. The population is primarily white. Most households are headed by a married couple. Only a handful of households are composed of single parents. The average number of households is 2.18, and the number of children under 18 is low compared to other parts of the country. The number of vacancies is also small. One university is located nearby.

While the state of Massachusetts has a much larger population than Vrookline, there is still a substantial difference between the two cities. While Brookline's CDP is significantly larger than the state, it has about 3% more population than Massachusetts. You'll need to make an educated guess at the state's population growth to fully understand the statistics for the city. But remember, that these figures are only estimates, and are not accurate.