Wareham, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can look at the population and steets in Wareham City Massachusetts to find out more about the people who live there. There are 24.4% of households that are middle class in this city. However, you can also check out the other stats, such as the number of people who are low or high-income. You can learn more about the people who live in Wareham by viewing the following graph.

There are two major airports within 19 miles of West Wareham, Massachusetts. You can use these to plan your trip. These airports are the closest national and international airports, but the smaller towns will offer you a unique perspective on the town and its people. You can even use these airports to book flights to other cities. You can even use these airports to plan your next road trip!

The town is governed by a board of selectmen and an open town meeting government. Its town administrators are elected by the population and make decisions about the city's policies and services. Residents also vote for town officers and can be elected at any time. But there's a catch: the mayor is not allowed to hold town meetings. While the town has a strong democracy, there are a few things that citizens should know.

The population of Wareham is largely composed of people who earn more than $80,000 a year. Its median income is $194,000, while its unemployment rate is 5.7%. The median age is 31 years old, and there's a large percentage of unmarried people living in Wareham. If you're planning to move to this town, make sure you check out the birth rates and demographics.