Woods Hole, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a summary of the population and steets of Woods Hole City, Massachusetts. This information is categorized by race, age, and gender. You can customize your search by setting a maximum distance, or select a specific neighborhood or city. Then choose from the dropdown menu the criteria that you're looking for. Lastly, you can customize the importance of each category, including whether you're looking for a rental property or a home.

The population of Woods Hole City, MA is 834, with a majority of white residents (96.7%). There is a low rate of poverty, with about 5% of residents living below the federal poverty level. Most residents of the city commute alone to work. The median property value is $825,491, which is nearly three times greater than the US median of $376,286.

There are many things to do in Woods Hole. For example, if you're looking for a place to eat, you'll want to check out the waterfront. There are 12 waterfront restaurants. Popular spots include Landfall, Captain Kidd, and Shuckers. Woods Hole also has a variety of other places to visit. The city is located in the middle of Cape Cod, so you can get anywhere in the state by taking a ferry.

A census-designated place, Woods Hole is in Barnstable County, Massachusetts. The population grew by 4.48% since the last census. The city has a median household income of $188,991, a low poverty rate of 7.1%, and a low population density (0.3 percent). Its median age is 61.8 years old, and the population is comprised of both males and females.