Barbeau, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Barbeau, Michigan is located in Wayne County, Michigan. To get a feel for the local area, check out the list of nearby cities and towns below. These may be useful when looking to book flights or plan a road trip. The list is sorted by distance from Barbeau, MI.

There are 811 residents in Barbeau. The gender ratio in this city is 50.4% female and 50.4% male. The state average is 49.2% to 50.8%. While the local population of Barbeau is small, it is largely comprised of people who are highly educated.

If you are planning to move to Barbeau City, Michigan, make sure to check out the zip code in this area. The area code for Barbeau is 49710. The city's postal code is located at the address shown below. The zip code is located at 49710, but there are other city names that are acceptable.

The Barbeau city population is comprised of 333 households. A fifth of these households earn more than $10,000 per year. The other half of these households earn between $50,000 and $100,000. There are 42 households with incomes over $100k. And the township's median age is 38 years.