Berrien Springs, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that you can look up Population & Steets in Berrian Springs City, Michigan? It's a fact that Berrien Springs has a lot to offer for residents, and we've compiled this article to give you a brief overview of what the area has to offer. You'll also learn about the median age of Berrien Springs's residents. These statistics will give you a good idea of the city's overall age distribution.

The city is located in the state of Michigan, and is home to approximately 1,318 residents. The median household income is $32,450, and the poverty rate is 10.6%. The Berrien County Jail has a history of low crime, and has been in operation for nearly 100 years. The county jail is home to a large number of people from the local community, and this population has been steadily improving.

The Berrien Springs city population is projected to grow to 1,800 by 2020. The city is located in Oronoko Charter Township, and is home to Michigan's oldest courthouse, the city's largest mid-nineteenth century county government complex. The city is home to a county museum and the Berrien County Historical Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the city's history. The museum hosts events and permanent exhibits, and serves as the home of the Berrien County Historical Association.

The Village Center / Andrews University neighborhood is home to the most people. More than half of these households are headed by married couples. Another eleven percent of households were headed by a woman with no husband. The city is home to thirty-seven percent of single individuals. The average household size in this neighborhood is 2.46 people. The Census Bureau will be executing detailed steps to process, verify, and audit payrolls in the upcoming years.