Bitely, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Bitely City? We have the answers. Let's take a look. Here you will find the crime rate per 1,000 residents. Crime rate by type is also shown. Crime in Bitely is below the national average. This means that the crime rate per thousand residents is lower than it is in most cities. Bitely is a good place to live, but you should be cautious when visiting the city.

If you plan to visit Bitely, Michigan, you'll want to know about the population and the local economy. The per capita income in Bitely is $27,786, which is middle income when compared to other cities in Michigan and the United States. This equates to $111,144 for a family of four. Residents of Bitely, MI are of different ethnic backgrounds. Most of them report being White, while only 6% identify as Black or African-American. The highest percentage of residents are White, with most ancestry coming from Germany. The most common language is English.

The area around Bitely is diverse. There are two races and one ethnicity, as indicated by the racial map. In the US, a ZIP code is designated by a default name. The default name is often the local residents' preferred name. In this case, Bitely's ZIP code is Bitely. A community with low diversity is likely to be overpopulated.