Brethren, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Brethren City, Michigan is approximately 1,007 people. There are 414 households. The median home value is $109,766. The average household size is 2.52 people. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are 1.01 males for every female resident.

The Brethren faith has a male-dominated leadership structure, with women typically filling a supportive role. In the past, women were not allowed to speak during the "Breaking of Bread" meetings. They would sing hymns with the group, but otherwise were not involved in administrative decisions.

There are two main types of Brethren church organizations. The first is called a Brethren Church and the second is called an Open Brethren Assembly. These are congregations with different theologies and styles. Some are conservative, while others are progressive. Some are known as Community Churches.

Brethren also observe two ordinances. These are the most important. While many churches follow the same set of laws, the Brethren follow two distinct styles. There are two types of churches in Brethren City, and both are independent. The Brethren have a diverse number of congregations.

In North America, there are several Brethren networks and independent evangelical churches. While some Brethren communities are conservative and fundamentalist, some work with progressive organizations. One of the largest is the Open Brethren, which is often referred to as Christian Brethren. It was founded in Ireland and has since spread throughout the British Isles. Currently, there are over 26,000 Brethren assemblies worldwide.