Burnips, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before we move on to the population and steets in Burnips City, let's look at some of the other cities and towns that surround the town. They are all within 38 miles of Burnips City. The larger cities can be useful when you're trying to book flights from one place to another or if you want to take a road trip. Listed below are the major cities and towns that are closest to Burnips City.

The Burnips neighborhood is one of the most economically diverse neighborhoods in Michigan, and is home to the highest concentration of manufacturing and labor jobs in the city. In fact, 44.1% of Burnips City's residents work in manufacturing, higher than the average of 96.8% of all neighborhoods in the country. But, while this area may not be rich, it is still considered a low-income community.

The city's population was fairly evenly spread out. Of the 143 households, 22.7% had children under the age of eighteen years. Another 8.6% were between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four, and 14.3% had a female householder who was not married. Forty-two percent of the city's households were made up of couples, while 30.8% were single individuals. Interestingly enough, 13.3% of the residents in Burnips City were 65 and older. There were almost as many men as women, with a ratio of 50.2% to 50.