Byron Center, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the most up-to-date information about population and steets in Byron Center City, Michigan, you've come to the right place. With Vivint's free quote system, you can get the statistics on the people living in Byron Center City and compare them to other communities in the state. If you're considering purchasing property in Byron Center, you should understand the statistics first before you sign a contract.

The population of Byron Center City is relatively young. The median age of residents was 32.2%, with 10.5% of households having a child under 18. Of the rest, 28.3% of households had a female householder without a male householder. The remaining twenty-nine percent of households were non-families, while 9.6% had a senior citizen living alone. In terms of gender, males outnumbered females in the city by a ratio of 90.6 to one.

The zip code for Byron Center, MI is 49315. This area is in Ottawa County, Michigan. The city has a population of 66,098. It is also home to a public library, a hospital, and several museums. You can find these resources with Quick Select. You can also look up schools by name in Byron Center. You'll find school addresses, phone numbers, and other useful information by visiting a school's website.

The Wyoming area was established in the year 1832. It is one of the first populated areas in the county. The township was first incorporated in 1832. The area was home to mills that used Buck Creek. In 1848, the township was split into two parts, one being named Byron and the other part Wyoming. The northern part was renamed Wyoming and was named after the county in Pennsylvania.