Cass City, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a summary of the Population & Steets in Ca, Michigan. This information is based on a 2010 Census and the most recent data available. The population of Cass City is 2,273 people. The average commute time for Cass City residents is approximately 20 minutes. Residents typically drive to work, with public transportation being less popular in the area. Walking is not a common way to get around in Cass City.

The population of Cass City is comprised of 63% families. This makes it the most diverse city in the greater Cass City area. However, the ratio of singles to families is low. A family with two children is rare in Cass City. In addition, Cass City's median household income is $18,078. The median age in Cass City is 35.

The Cass City ZIP Code is the default name for this city. The United States Postal Service designates a default name for each ZIP code. This is the name that locals will call the city. The estimated population is expected to grow to over 20,000 by 2020. Cass City is a small town located in Tuscola County, Michigan. With its population of 2,428, the town is located near the M-81 highway. The city is located about four miles west of the M-53 highway intersection.

As for the country of origin, Cass City has a higher percentage of foreign-born residents than the rest of Michigan. As for the birth rate, Cass City has the highest percent of foreign-born residents of any city in the Midwest. There are only four counties in the state that have a lower percentage of foreign-born residents. But Cass City is located in a small town, and its population is not as diverse as Ubly.