Clinton Township, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you live in the city of Clinton Township, Michigan? Are you looking for more information on the city's population and the steets? Here you'll find the latest statistics. Population and Steets in Clinton Township, Michigan is a useful resource for residents, businesses, and the local government. You can also find out what schools are in the city and how many people live there.

The racial makeup of a community is an important social characteristic to look at because it can help you better understand the needs of residents. In Clinton Township, the fastest-growing segment is Black, followed by Hispanics and Asians. Whites, on the other hand, experienced a decline of 1.1% during the same period. With so many diverse people, it's important to understand their needs and desires.

Clinton Township is located in the southern part of Macomb County, Michigan. The township's population is 3,544. Its area is slightly irregular from the typical Michigan township. It is part of the metropolitan Detroit area, and shares its borders with the cities of Sterling Heights, Fraser, Mount Clemens, Macomb Township, and Shelby Charter Township. Residents have access to I-94, M-59, and Groesbeck Highway.

One of the most important characteristics of a community is housing. Because houses are so permanent and visible, they serve as excellent indicators of the overall health of the community. Clinton Township housing construction peaked in the 1970s and 1990s, but continued to show moderate growth in the following years. In 2010, there were 28,176 owner-occupied units in Clinton Township. That's about 67% of all occupied units in the city. Renter-occupied units increased by almost 9% over the same five-year period.