Columbiaville, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Columbiavile City? This map can help you figure out the demographics of the community. The number of households in the city of Columbiaville makes up 20.6% of its total population. It's important to note that some households have multiple eviction cases throughout the year, and this may indicate that the economy is beginning to deteriorate.

To get an idea of the area, look up the cities near Columbiaville, MI. There are a couple of big cities within 43 miles, as well as several smaller towns. You can search for the ones closest to Columbiaville City by selecting "Quick Select."

The city's population is approximately 800. The median household income is $37,396. This is well above the state average. The area has a low poverty rate, at just under 2%. However, the population is a racial mix. As a result, women outnumber men. The overall demographic picture of the city is a diverse one, with the percentage of women outnumbering the male population.

The age-groups of Columbiaville residents are also interesting. The oldest residents tend to vote more conservatively, while the youngest residents are more likely to vote for a Democrat. In fact, the median age of residents in Columbiaville is forty-one years older than the national average. This makes it a conservative area, but there are no'red-neck' neighborhoods in the city. The median age in Columbiaville City is higher than the state average of forty-eight.