Constantine, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How Do You Find Out the Population & Steets in Constantiny? This page will answer that question and more. You can also find out the income of people who live in Constantine City. Generally, the median home price in this city is $135,300. The home appreciation rate in Constantine over the past 10 years is 12.7%. The following are the top three sources of income for the citizens of Constantine City.

The location of the new capital was not a radical departure from tradition. The city's location on the edge of the Orient was strategically advantageous, as Rome had long been occupied by the Sassanid Empire and had suppressed Christianity there. It also served as a regional center, as a tetrarchy had made Rome too small to manage the region on its own. The location was also strategic, as Constantine was located at the intersection of two strategic roads, the Via Egnatia, leading to the Adriatic Coast, and the military highway connecting Chalcedon to the east through Nicomedia.

The most common racial and ethnic group living in Constantine, MI is White. There is also a small amount of Hispanic and Asian residents. However, the median household income in Constantine, MI is significantly lower than the national average, making it an affordable place to raise a family. Constantine has a public high school, called Falcons, and historically the Potawatomi people lived along the St. Joseph River. They later ceded their lands to the United States in the Treaty of Chicago.