Copper Harbor, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Copper Harbor, Michigan is 85.9% U.S. citizens. The median home value is $257,500. The homeownership rate is 78.8%. Most residents commuted alone to work, with an average travel time of 10.2 minutes. Most residents own two vehicles, with an average of two per household. Copper Harbor has an average home value of $214,400. For every 100 residents, there are two cars, making it a great place to buy a home.

The economy in Copper Harbor, MI is doing well despite the local economic situation. The median household income in Copper Harbor, MI is $62,900, compared to $72,580 in neighboring areas. One of the most important factors for the overall health of the community is the number of people working, and this is reflected in the median household income. However, income levels in Copper Harbor, MI can vary wildly, with a wide range of incomes.

The population of Copper Harbor, MI is overwhelmingly white. About 85% of the people live in homes that are non-Hispanic, with 0% of residents being black or African American. There are no Hispanics in Copper Harbor, MI. The median age in Copper Harbor, MI is 62.5 years old. There are 85 White residents in Copper Harbor, MI. Copper Harbor has no Hispanic residents.