Davison, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the population of the city of Davison, Michigan, then look no further. This city's population is estimated to be about 5,257 people. The average household size in Davison is 2.9, which is lower than the average for Goodrich. Davison has the second-smallest percent of married couples, with 20.9% of its households being made up of husband and wife couples.

This section of the Demographics of Davison, Michigan, gives a detailed look at the city's population. The table below provides detailed information on the age distribution of the people of Davison. The age distribution of the population shows that men in the city are generally older, whereas women in the city are younger.

The population of Davison, MI is composed mostly of white people. It also has a large percentage of middle-aged people. The city has slightly less than the national average of families, but is higher than the national average for single-parent households. It also has a low percentage of vacancies among its households.

Davison has a median age of 40.9. The city is surrounded by the towns of Ida and Kalkaska. The two cities are close by in terms of size and population.