De Tour Village, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for a quick fact about the City of De Tour Village, Michigan, you've come to the right place. This guide will help you learn all about this small city's population and steets. You can also view the Map of De Tour Village to find the most convenient way to reach this destination. Just follow the links below to learn more! Also, you can visit its official website to see more information about this city and its area.

The population of De Tour Village is comprised of various races and ethnicities. The most prevalent racial groups are white, Black, and Hispanic. In addition, a significant minority of the population speaks Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. However, the language of the city's residents is English. The Census Bureau uses a specific set of money income thresholds that varies based on race and family composition. When a family's income falls below these levels, it is considered to be living in poverty.

The median property value in De Tour Village, MI was $88,000 in 2019, which is 0.366 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership was 95.9%, and most residents of the City walked or drove to work. On average, it took 19.7 minutes to get to work. Residents of De Tour Village, MI own two cars per household. The City of De Tour Village, MI is made up of 264 people. Approximately 0% of the city's residents are foreign-born.