Eaton Rapids, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population and steets of Eaton Rapids, Michigan? Find out by reading this article! It contains useful information for residents and visitors alike. It also includes the city's library address and phone number. The Eaton Rapids city library is located at 916 East Main Street, Eaton Rapids, MI. There are 1 branch offices of Eaton Federal Savings Bank, Homestead Savings Bank, and Independent Bank in this city.

In 2000, the population was 31,487 people. Twenty-seven percent of the population was under the age of 18 years. Twenty-four percent of households were composed of married couples, and thirteen percent of female households had no husbands present. Twenty-six percent of households were non-families, and 27.4% were made up of single adults. Twelve percent of households were headed by an individual, age 65 and older. The median household size in Eaton Rapids City was 2.57 people.