Eben Junction, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of the population and steets of Eben Junction City can be found at www.city-data.com. If you need more information, please contact the site administrator. You may be interested in checking out the area map. You can also read reviews of local businesses. You can also find events happening near Eben Junction. There are a few resources available to help you plan your next visit to this city.

The population of Junction City is estimated at 654, with a projected growth rate of -0.30% per year and a decrease of -3.82% since the 2010 census. A typical commute time in Junction City is 31.9 minutes, compared to 26.4 minutes for the national average. A median home in Junction City costs $58,700, with a -1.8% decline in value over the past decade.