Elm Hall, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Elmm Hall City? Do you want to know how the local population compared to nearby cities? If so, then read the rest of this article to find out more. Population and steets in Elm Hall City are crucial statistics that you need to know. It will help you decide whether Elm Hall is a safe place to live or not.

The Elm Hall, MI population includes 15,516 dwelling units. Out of those, 14,501 are occupied and one hundred fifteen are vacant. This means that housing in Elm Hall has a very stable ratio of 1 to 2. Among single family homes, which are also known as town houses and row houses, there are 11,730. Another 145 housing units are apartment buildings that have two to fifty units.

School enrollment, or the number of students enrolled in schools in a community, refers to how many kids are attending public and private schools. Understanding school enrollment can help you make important decisions about their environment and job market. In Elm Hall, the total school enrollment is 11,080. Of these, 3,052 attended nursery school. The rest attended elementary school, while 14,831 went to high school.