Fruitport, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you are looking for the current population of Fruitport City, MI, or you are just curious about its history, you will find this article interesting. It will give you a general idea of the area. The population of Fruitport is made up of a wide variety of people. Here are some statistics to help you find out more about the city. Getting to know Fruitport's history is also a great way to find out more about the local economy.

Compared to the rest of Michigan's cities, the median income of Fruitport residents is $140,365. The average household size is 2.72. The median home value is $140,365. The number of people working in Fruitport, MI is expected to grow by 2.6%. In this city, employment is spread across several industries. There are over 162 people employed in manufacturing. There are also 104 people employed in retail trade. Almost half of the people work in construction.

The charter township of Fruitport has a low percentage of single people. Only one in four residents is married. That means that there are more single people than married people living in Fruitport. The average household size is 3.1. However, there are many things to consider before moving to this community. Here is a list of things to know. There is an overview of the town's demographics: