Goodells, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Goodells City? How safe is Goodells? How much crime is there? The city has a crime rate of 9.08 crimes per 1,000 residents during a standard year. The east of Goodells is considered the safest part of the city, while northwest neighborhoods have crime rates as high as 1 in 104. Comparing crime rates across different cities may not be as intuitive as it sounds, but the Goodells crime map can provide an idea of the city's overall safety.

The poverty rate in Goodell is 18.4%, higher than the state average of 7.8%. The median gross rent is $600 per month. In Goodell, residents live in more than half of the housing units, and only 24% of those apartments are for rent. Fortunately, there are many affordable housing options available. In fact, Goodell has a lower poverty rate than any other city in Iowa.

The population of Goodells City is 3,195 in ZIP code 48027. This is down a bit from the 2010 census. The majority of residents are White, and between 45 and 54 years old. The majority of people in the city have a high school education, with 89.4% of adults holding a bachelor's degree or higher. There is very little unemployment in the city.