Gulliver, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering about the Population & Steets in Gullider City? You're not alone! If you've recently moved to Gulliver, MI, you're likely wondering how many people live there. You might also be wondering where the crime is the highest. You can find out the crime rate by browsing the maps below. You can also view a map of crime statistics for Gulliver City.

The current population of Gulliver City is 663. Approximately 19.8% of the population lives in homes. Nearly one-half of households have children under the age of 18. The average household size was 2.83. The average commute time was 18.8 minutes. Home appreciation over the last ten years has been 7.5%. You can use this information to make an informed decision when buying a home in Gulliver.

The average household income in Gulliver City is $91,353. This is higher than the national average. People in Gulliver City have a good job outlook. If you're wondering if the city has a high unemployment rate, you're not alone. There are several correctional facilities in the area. If you're looking for a place to raise your kids, check out the demographics of Gulliver City.